FTL is a powerful complement to your assessment of cognitive functioning, challenges and development potential. Motor exploration of the hands and manipulation of the tactile material reveal fundamental aspects of information processing and cognitive processes. It provides valuable knowledge, both in terms of assessment, counselling and intervention perspectives.
When working tactilely with cognitive tasks, metacognitive awareness is facilitated effectively. It often creates a shortcut in relation to the professional’s ability to strengthen self-reflection, self-understanding and awareness of development goals and pathways. It is valuable both in terms of therapeutic and counselling processes.
Both as a psychologist and as parents, teachers or others around the child/young person, cognitive challenges and training needs become clearer through tactile-based identification and training. The task of advising people around the child therefore becomes easy to make concrete, relevant and practice-oriented.
FTL is based on a learning paradigm rather than an intelligence paradigm. In terms of discovery, this means that we focus both on uncovering functional challenges but also development and learning potential through the principles of dynamic assessment. The approach provides a far more disaggregated and process-oriented understanding than traditional psychological testing, and helps to increase the ecological validity and practical relevance of counselling.
"What a great course and material you have put together. Super meaningful to be able to use to train basic learning assumptions."
"You can almost feel what's going on inside the child. The child becomes aware of its own reflection."
"The tactile pathway provides a fantastic extension of my ability to uncover the child's challenges and potentials. Really hope this course will be widely used - for the benefit and development of children and young people"
"Your material is super elaborate and such that it would be a gift to be able to pick up in training."
© 2022. All rights to material on this site belong to FundaMental™ Tactile Learning
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