Strengthen the impact of your professional and broaden your professional competences


FTL training expands your range of training options and methods, both for children and young people in general and for those who are difficult to succeed with. FTL training works well in conjunction with other training methods, and can facilitate and reinforce the effects of your other training activities.


FTL training targets the development and strengthening of very basic cognitive functions and processes and often facilitates deep and transformative learning – i.e. learning that facilitates ‘aha’ experiences and manifests itself in a wide range of life domains.


FTL builds on a solid knowledge base and integrates a deep understanding of cognitive processes. As a trainer, you often find that your professional understanding of cognition, learning and problem solving expands as you experience FTL training.


In FTL, material, method and training tasks are integrated, so you don’t have to spend a lot of extra time finding training materials yourself. At the same time, the material is appealing and motivating to the child and signals professionalism to parents and professionals you meet in your work. The FTL materials are of a high quality and can last for many years, also in a professional or institutional context.


The very tangible and visible activities of the training make the effectiveness and relevance of the training quickly visible – both to the trainee, relatives/parents and others who follow the training programme. You will therefore more easily achieve a positive working relationship and satisfaction with your training efforts.


As an FTL practitioner, you are invited to join a professional network where you can be continuously inspired and seek support when you have questions or challenges in training.

What others say about FundaMental™

"What a great course and material you have put together. Super meaningful to be able to use to train basic learning assumptions."

Professional cognitive trainer and teacher in psychiatry

"Your material is super elaborate and such that it would be a gift to be able to pick up in training."

Self-employed cognitive trainer

"I remember the feeling of thinking: "Finally!" when I saw the material. I could see a huge potential in it, because I really needed something to reach these kids, there was a gap that FundaMental™ covers."

founder, owner and trainer of cognitive training company

"You can set a completely different type of requirement when it's tactile, inside the box, because they see it as a game. It's like some of the school thinking is lifted."

special needs teacher and parent of child with learning difficulties

"They have some good strategies when working in the box, with the vision they are too attention disturbed. They are more persistent when working in the box. They use some strategies that they don't use otherwise."

consultant for special school

"You can almost feel what's going on inside the child. The child becomes aware of its own reflection."

founder, owner and trainer of cognitive training company

"I don't think I can get that calm on the child without the tactile. With the tactile material I can make them work slowly. I also think it's easier to get strategies on. The learning gets kind of deeper - it settles."

cognitive trainer